Full Stack Software Engineer

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Full Stack Software Engineer

About Me





About me

As a kid, I always love mathematics and science in general. They fascinate me because they help me understand patterns of how things work. At college, I studied both geoscience and computer science, and that's when I had my very first coding experience. I helped my professor in programming Carbonate Basin Simulation Software modules using C++. I had also written algorithms for data analysis using Matlab in several projects for oil companies. In my senior year, I had won a national award for mathematical modeling.

Upon graduation, I joined Schlumberger, a world-leading oil service technology company. My main responsibility was wireline log data processing, analysis and modeling. At Schlumberger, software systems play a critical role in servicing our clients. However, existing systems cannot meet the evolving business requirements of some clients. Given my background in computer science, I was involved in testing and implementing software plugins, using C# and Python.

At present, I work as a full-time software engineer at a startup, and play a key role in designing, programming, testing and maintaining the company's innovative software products. As I become increasingly experienced in software development, I found geological engineering and software engineering have a lot in common. For example, they both require strong abilities for multi-level abstraction, modeling, problem-solving, and continuous learning. My experience in geological science is certainly very valuable to my current work as a software developer.



JavaScript CSS3 HTML5 SASS Bootstrap jQuery ajax Canvas D3 Reactjs Vuejs Angularjs Redux


Nodejs Express NonSQL MongoDB Mongoose Socket.io Passport RabbitMQ Redis ElasticSearch SQL PostgreSQL Ruby Rails Sinatra Python


Gitlab Github Grunt Gulp Webpack NPM


Heroku AWS Firebase DigitalOcean




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MindStaq is a large online software which I am currently working on. On the front-end, I am taking charge of building Calendar, Task, Search UI components, social sharing, offline services for the main app by using Angularjs framework and many librariers and api, such as FullCalendar Nylas. On the back-end, I am responsible in designing and implementing api and micro-services of real-time search and recommendation and websocket by using Nodejs Express RabbitMQ MongoDB ElasticSearch Socket.io. These works enable me to get a full picture of Microservice architecture and tackle down some challenging tasks during software developing by my own.

Oil Trends

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This personal project enabled me better understand Thick client architecture. Building rich features and functions of single page application using jQuery and ajax was challenging but rewarding. Another challenging work was data preparation, formatting, processing more than 30 years datasets of energy data from EIA and loading into MongoDB. Then I built up web server to provide data api by using Nodejs Express Mongoose. The rest of the project work pretty much focused on the front-end data visualization by using D3 library, showing annual oil trends of consumption, production, import, export across all world from 1980 to 2014. This app was deployed and hosted on DigitalOcean


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Building app with a team not only made me improve coding skills but also understood the importance of a good teamwork. During the project, we practiced Agile Project Management by using SCRUM as the methodology and Trello as the tool. The back-end framework we used was Rails. And I was responsible to implement features of user registration and basic user interactions like posting and comments, trip planning in Google map and sending invitations to friends through emails. The key technology I used included PostgreSQL BCrypt Google API jQuery ajax bootstrap. This app was deployed and hosted in Heroku

Personal forum

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Building a forum from scratch made me better understand MVC software architectural pattern and Object Oriented Programming . On the back-end, I used Sinatra as the light weight framework and PostgreSQL BCrypt for implementing authentication and data storage and query. For the view, I used HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap jQuery for implementing UI features of create, edit, comment, search. This app is deployed and hosted on Heroku

Matching Puppies

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As a programmer, making some small fun mini-game's always a pleasure. This game was built for training memory musle through match them among these randomized randomized images and coding practicing by using HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery
